Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mark Knopfler's song Basil....about Basil Bunting.

Mark Knopfler's song about Basil Bunting.

If you're interested in who the song is about, read Tim Burton's recent biography 'A Strong Song Tows Us' or Julian Stanard's 'Basil Bunting' in the Writers and their work series.  

Or just read 'Briggflatts' as a start.

Sadly the speed of this you tube version is so wrong it sounds ......lugubrious...which it doesn't on the album.  If you want to listen to the song then up the speed to 1.25.  The Song 'describes' Bunting during his later years, drudging for a local paper.  

Who knows, now he's the subject of a song by someone famous people might go read the pomes. 

Who knows, Faber might even get their act together and publish the long promised collected.